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Global Conference on Global Warming 2011
De segunda-feira, 11 Julho 2011 -  8:00
Para Quinta-feira, 14 Julho 2011 -  5:00
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The Global Conference on Global Warming – 2011 (GCGW-2011) will be held in Lisbon from 11-14 July 2011, following the previous CGGW-2009 held in Istanbul. Evidences that global Earth temperature is on the rise are mounting, together with signs that the Earth system may go through significant forcing. The GCGW – 2011 aims at bringing together researchers, scientists, engineers, practitioners, policy makers, even politicians from all over the world to exchange information, present new technologies and developments, and discuss the future direction, strategies and priorities in the field of global warming, energy use and energy efficiency, climate forcing, mitigation and adaptation strategies.
We would be pleased if we were able to count on your collaboration to the success of this global conference. In this way, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the GCGW-2011. For additional information please visit the GCGW-2011 website!

With our very best wishes,
A. Heitor Reis
Conference Chair
Ana. M. Silva
Conference Co-Chair


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